I have been collecting old systems,consoles,computers since 1989. Need to make a log to help me see what i am missing. Old games rock!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Commodore Vic 20

VIC 20(unboxed) SN:427778

Shatner flogging vic 20.................................... Vic 20 goldfish advert...

VC 1901-Alpha-Alarm(8)
Vic-1902-Star Battle(7)
Vic 1907-Jupiter lander(7)
Vic-1909-Road Race(8)
Vic-1910-Radar Ratrace(7)
Vic-1911-The Sky is Falling(8)
Vic-1912-Mole Attack(8)
Vic-1913-Raid on Fort Knox(8)
Vic-1914-Adventure Land(8)
Vic-1915-Pirates Cove(7)
Vic 1918-Voodoo Castle (8)
Vic 1919-Sargon II Chess (7)
Vic 1922-Cosmic Cruncher (6)
Vic 1923-Gorf(8)
Vic 1924-Omega Race(8)
Vic 1925-Money Wars
Vic 1930-Visible Solar System(7)
Vic-1933-Speed Math/Bing Math(8)

Amok-(9) Still Sealed!! (UMI)
Congo Bongo-(7) (Sega)
Demon Attack-(8) (Imagic)
Jawbreaker II-(7) (Sierra on-Line Inc)
River Rescue-(9) Boxed with instructions (Thorn/EMI)
Capture The Flag-(8) With Instructions (Sirius)

Amok-Case(5)Cass(4) (Audiogenic)
Arcadia-Case(9)Cass(9)(Imagine) *Sealed as new

Vic road user  and Highway code-Case(9)Cass(9) *Large box double cass (Ivan Berg)

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