I have been collecting old systems,consoles,computers since 1989. Need to make a log to help me see what i am missing. Old games rock!

Sunday, 5 February 2017

1982 Streets Defender

Its a whole new world -One of the greatest games in arcade history is now downstairs in my workshop!
 Hey,its not the massive  beautiful black red and yellow cabinet,
nope..its the sparkly spangley Uk version from Streets!!
 No life in it at all,the first time I have seen a Williams Boardset!
Taking this apart after my initial `does it work test`, I came across a new phenomenon - a bloody mouse nest in the base.I had fitted wheels to this game and thought the initial debris coming out from the base was just years worth of crap!!
Streets Defender Cocktails being put together(note the white coats!)
Streets office/Workshop 1980`s

 So I got to work fast-Tried to Hoover it up,blocked my hoover twice!
 I prefer the chemical bath approach-hinges are bitches and screws-while replaceable  are more special when they are turned from rusty ruined items into clean sparkly(There`s that word again) usable items
 The Beatles once sang `all you need is rust` or something similar!
I`ve removed the back door hinges and moved to the lower door-Cat 1 is fascinated by the mouse nest smell.
 While I`m trying to label everything logically -I|`m finding weird hack wiring jobs,I assume this game has functioned with these hacks,but maybye it has never worked since it was original...read read read!

Ok So I`ve got  some water damage,loads around the base some on the left side also flaking MDF on the control panel.
 My Brother(Hi Colin!) gave me some small vices and im doing a wood hardener/wood glue approach -its slow progress but its actually working!

Rapid update,all screws and hinges are now clean rust free and back in place.
Monitor is next,due to swelling monitor is not sliding out as intended.

OK got the monitor sliding out-Ordered a new psu from the US and will update soon!

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