I have been collecting old systems,consoles,computers since 1989. Need to make a log to help me see what i am missing. Old games rock!

Sunday, 28 January 2018

1980 Tehkan Speak & Rescue

Listed as a bootleg,a Japanese style cab that was lost in france.
Supposedley a copy of Stratovox(Taito).
Well got the back door off today - whats inside?

 Looks official to me?!

1 comment:

Gazimaluke said...

I am researching the history of Sunsoft. Speak & Rescue was the original name for the game when it was released in Japan. Taito then released it as Stratovox in the US. Tehkan (later Tecmo) was licensing and releasing other companies games. I didn't know it, but it is possible that Tehkan held the rights to release Speak & Rescue in Europe. Tehkan also licensed Route-16 and Funky Fish from Sun Electronics later on.